
affected joint中文什么意思

发音:   用"affected joint"造句
  • 受伤关节
  • affected:    adj. 1.装模作样的,做作的。 2.觉得…的。 短语 ...
  • joint:    n. 1.接合,榫接合处,接合点。 2.【解剖学】关节。 ...
  • the distal part of the affected joint:    受伤关节的远端
  • affected:    adj. 1.受了影响的,感染了的。 2.感动的。 the affected part 患部。 adj. 1.装模作样的,做作的。 2.觉得…的。 His manners are affected. 他的态度不自然。 How is he affected towards us 他觉得我们怎么样? ill affected (to) 对…不友好的。 well affected (to) 对…怀好意的。 affected airs 装模作样。 affected laugh 装笑,假笑。 adv. -ly 装模作样地,不自然地。
  • as affected by:    受...影响
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Factors affecting joint stiffness of shield tunnel lining
  2. If weight bearing or stre loading of the affected joint continues , thi ing of the cartilage may progre to eventual full - thickne cartilage lo
  3. If weight bearing or stress loading of the affected joint continues , thinning of the cartilage may progress to eventual full - thickness cartilage loss
  4. In the case of patients with symptoms , in the early stages usually only one joint is affected , typically the big toe , knee or ankle . the affected joint will suddenly turn red , swollen , and acutely painful
    有症状的病患者在初期发病时,通常只有一个关节受影响,最常发作的关节是大拇趾(即脚趾公) ,也可见于膝头、足踝等。
  5. Through simulating model tests of shield tunnel passing through the yellew river in the diversion project from south to north china , a systematic analysis on the primary factors affecting joint stiffness , including arrangement of joint bolt , thickness of annular packing of bolt , behavior and thickness of cushion material between two tube plates , magnitude of prestressing force of joint bolt and different stressed states at tube plate joint etc . , are performed . the study results may provide reference for tube plate design of shield tunnel




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